While passing through, I encountered a bike trail and followed it to The Cornstalk Cafe. This cafe doubled as a shell gas station, and it served as a superb refueling station. Breaking my fast for the day, I consumed one fish sandwich, one pepper jack cheese stick, and a coffee. Feeling energized, I crossed over Interstate 80 and continued...

I managed to get enough sleep before those damn birds and bugs began their bellowing again. Nature is the best alarm clock because you can't fucking snooze it. Quickly and quietly, I packed up my lodging without leaving a trace of my habitation, on to the next destination. I hopped onto highway 44 and began the start of the day's...

Today was supposed to be the easiest ride of the entire trip. It was only a 45-mile trek and entirely on paved trail. These conditions sound beyond ideal for any biker. What a perfect way to ease into this journey, I foolishly thought. Boy, was I wrong. The trails from Des Moines to Waukee were superb. The Des Moines...